Yurian Quintanas Nobel

Amsterdam. 1983

Living near Barcelona

I was born in Amsterdam in 1983, but I grew up in Catalonia, where I still live. In my personal projects I use photography as a tool to get closer to the intangible, to the oddities of life, and to talk about things that are difficult to explain with words. Life is strange and I want my photographs to express this strangeness. A few years ago I used to go out into the world to look for photographs, to find what images the world could offer me. But for some time now I have reversed this process and what I am trying to do now is to look for what photographs I can create, starting from a blank sheet, without external restrictions or established rules. To construct my images I use everyday objects and mundane materials, to establish a direct contact between creation and reality, between rationality and imagination.

Teaching collaborations at ESCAC, IDEP, GRISART, ERAM

Q&A: Der Greif

PANEL TALK: Image Technology and the Phantasm Producing

INTERVIEW: FishEye Magazine

ENTREVISTA: Punto de Fuga

ENTREVISTA: Tendencias del Mercado del Arte


2024 – OD Photo Prize Judges Pick

2024 – Beca Internacional de Primavera de l’Escala

2024 – Der Greif X Grisebach: “New Positions”

2019 – La Nuu Screen Award

2018 – LensCulture Emerging Talent Awards 2018

2018 – XXI Biennal d’Art Contemporani Català, Selected

2018 – Sony World Photography Awards, Finalist

2017 – Finalist NexoFoto’17

2017 – Gomma Grant shortlisted

2016 – Finalista Prix du Livre des Rencontres d’Arles

2016 – Premi Arts Libris de la Fundació Banc de Sabadell

2016 – Finalista del Grand Prix FotoFestiwal de Lodz (Polonia)

2015 – Guanyador de l’Open Call als Encontros da Imagem 2015

2014 – Guanyador de SFR Jeunes Talents 2014

2013 – Beca Clic 2013 de fotoperiodisme

2013 – Premiat com a Jove fotògraf 2013 de la diputació de Girona

2013 – 19ª Beca Fotopres “La Caixa”, Finalist

2012 – International Photography Awards, Honorable Mention

2012 – Sony World Photography Awards, shortlisted

2011 – Travel Photographer of the Year, Special Mention

2011 – Descubrimientos PhotoEspaña

2010 – Clic 2010, Seleccionat i exposició al Visa off (Visa pour l’Image)

2010 – Finalista Beca Jove La Caixa

2009 – Trafic09, Portfolio review Barcelona

2009 – Grant, Magnum Photos Workshop Barcelona

2009 – Beca, Tallers XIII Encuentro interncional de fotoperiodismo de Gijón

2007 – Magazine La Vanguardia, Primer Premio 




2024 – Three Shadows Photography Center. Beijing

2024 – Fotografiska Museum. Shangai

2024 – Photographic Explorations. Group show at Gallery 254Forest. Photo Brussels Festival

2024 – Grisebach x DER GREIF. Berlin

2024 – Grisebach x DER GREIF. Munich

2024 – “The Via Combusta” Jimei x Arles Curatorial Award. Xiamen

2021 – Gallerie Sinibaldi. Rencontres d’Arles. Arles

2021 – L’Afolí de la sal. Anton Casamors, una altra mirada. L’escala

2021 – Talent Latent. Scan Photography Festival. Tarragona

2020 – In Cadaqués International Photography Festival. Cadaqués

2020 – La Nuu Photography Festival. Rubí

2019 – Projekteria Pop-Up a Galerie Rastoll. Paris

2019 – Projekteria Art Gallery. Barcelona

2018 – LensCulture Emerging talent, Klompching Gallery. Nova York

2018 – XXI Biennal d’Art Contemporani Català, Centre d’art Maristany. Sant Cugat

2018 – Athens Photo Festival, Benaki Museum. Atenes

2017 – Espai Impulsió. Barcelona

2016 – FotoFestiwal. Lodz

2015 – Tint XXI – Banyoles

2015 – Sala La Kursala. Cádiz

2015 – Monasterio de Tibaes. Encontros da Imagem 2015. Braga

2015 – Galeria Escalera de Incendios. Barcelona

2015 – Festival FineArt. Igualada

2015 – Festival Imaginària. Castelló de la Plana

2015 – Catalunya ciutat(s), Museu Marítim. Barcelona

2015 – Galeria Eatart. Banyoles

2014 – Scan. Tarragona

2014 – ParisPhoto 2014. París

2014 – Espacio 55. Valencia

2014 – SWAB 2014, Fira internacional d’art contemporani. Barcelona

2014 – Galeria Balaguer. Barcelona

2013 – El Puntal, fundació Lluís Coromina. Banyoles

2013 – Médiathèque de Perpinyà. Perpinyà

2013 – Claustre de la diputació de Girona. Girona

2013 – El Gravat. Vic

2011 – Royal Geographical Society (exposició colectiva, TPOTY). Londres

2011 – Somerset House (exposició colectiva, Sony awards). Londres

2010 – Casa de la Generalitat de Perpinyà (exposició colectiva, Clic 2010). Perpinyà

2009 – CCCB (projeccions Magnum workshops Trafic09). Barcelona

2008 – Casa de la cultura de Lloret de Mar (Premis Montphoto). Lloret





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